Changing our habits and way of life has been challenging, heartbreaking and sometimes, very rewarding. Whilst being extremely lucky to be able to carry on with our work from home, we would like to remind everyone that we are still here, ready to help with self-assessments, VAT returns, bookkeeping and payroll. 
As we venture into a possible turning point for the NHS, it is clear to us that we need to do our best to keep Covid-19 at bay. As we have adapted to our new working routines (including working around small children, teenagers and confused dogs) and reading through reams of information regarding effects on small business', furloughing procedures, government grants and many other updates from HMRC, we are committed to staying safe and in turn, keeping our loved ones and people in our community safe too. 
With so much sadness in so many peoples lives at the moment, we can only imagine how hard it is for those who are continuing to go out to work and mix with potential coronavirus cases. We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone on the front line and to those who are working so hard in our local communities of Bovingdon and Christchurch to help each other, our elderly and vulnerable and to entertain our children. Whether it has been rainbows in windows, bear hunts, hide and seek with painted stones or chalk games on our pathways. The amazing, creativity and genuine caring in our communities has touched us all. 
If anyone would like any advice with regard to payroll or bookkeeping, please feel free to contact us at no charge.  
Wishing every one some positivity and hoping you are all safe and well. 
Jennifer and Richard 
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